Conflict in ancestral forests of Indonesia

In Indonesia, the Koto Sepuluh indigenous peoples in Tanjung Benuang village, Merangin District, Jambi Province have more fiercely resisted the entry of the company PT Duta Alam Makmur (DAM) in their forests. Almost 75 per cent of their village have already been lost to timber concessionaires which started operating in the late 1980s. But hardly have these concessionaires left when the government allowed the planting of palm oil, rubber trees, and eucalyptus by PT DAM.

The resistance of the Koto Sepuluh peoples forced the Forestry Minister to revoke PT DAM's permit in 2009. But the threat of landgrabbing remains. Tanjung Benuang, as well as tens of thousands more hectares encompassing several more villages in the province, remain classified by the Indonesian governmentas a production forest area reserved for large-scale agricultural investors.

Download the Merangin Land Grabs case study conducted by Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA) on the large-scale land grabbing case in Jambi Province. This study was made in close coordination with the Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP).

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