Rausing company pays EUR 8.2mn for arable land in Romania

Lisbet Rausing, daughter of TetraPak inventor, billionaire Hans Rausing


March 8, 2010

Ingleby Agricultura, controlled by Danish [Swedish] family Rausing, paid EUR 8.2mn for purchasing 2,000ha of arable land in Western Romania from Danish company FirstFarms, according to Ziarul Financiar daily. The investor controls after the deal 7,300ha of arable land and 4,200ha or forest in Romania. The group refused to comment on the terms of the deals, the use of the land or future plans. However, according to official data quoted by the daily from the Trade Registry, Ingleby controls five local firms with aggregated properties that exceed those of large local farmers such as Ioan Niculae (10,000ha), Mihai Anghel (4,000ha) or Culita Tarata.

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