Land grabbing in Africa: global resource scarcity and competition for survival

Land Grabbing in Africa: global resource scarcity and competition for survival

Hosted by: Devnet, Uppsala University, SLU

The event will start on: 21 Oct 11 09:00

At Geocentrum, Uppsala University
Viillavägen 16, Uppsala ,

To secure future access to food and biofuels, private and state actors in wealthy countries (including the oil states) are increasingly buying or leasing farmland in the Global South, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa. Some argue that this is recreating old colonial patterns of land ownership and distribution of power, threatening livelihoods of the rural poor. Others hold that such agricultural investments provide much needed means for economic development. In this one-day workshop, we will explore the phenomenon of land grabbing from theoretical and practical perspectives, and invite all interested to a constructive and lively discussion. Detailed program will be posted in September.

Moderators: Mats Hårsmar, Nordic Africa Institute and Susan Paulson, Lund University

Register to [email protected] by October 15.
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