Mato Grosso attracts billion-dollar investments from a company in the United Arab Emirates and could double agricultural production
CenárioMT 05/11/2024

NB: This is a Google Translation from the original

Mato Grosso attracts billion-dollar investments from a company in the United Arab Emirates and could double agricultural production

Posted by Daya

In a move that promises to further boost agribusiness in Mato Grosso, Governor Mauro Mendes met with executives from Al Dahra, one of the largest agricultural companies in the United Arab Emirates, in Abu Dhabi. The aim of the meeting was to present the state's potential and attract billion-dollar investments to the sector.

The governor highlighted Mato Grosso’s prominent position in food production in Brazil, accounting for 30% of the country’s agribusiness. “We have the capacity to double this production without cutting down a single tree,” said Mendes, emphasizing the state’s vocation for sustainable agriculture.

Al Dahra, in turn, has shown great interest in expanding its operations in Brazil, especially in areas with great agricultural potential. The company already has investments in other countries, such as Serbia, Romania, India and Morocco, and is now seeking to expand its presence in the Brazilian market.

“The information provided by the governor shows that Mato Grosso could be a strategic destination for our investments,” said Ahmed Saeed Al Suwaidi, head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Al Dahra. The company is looking for areas of at least 10,000 hectares for its projects, with potential for expansion up to 100,000 hectares.

Strategic partnership

To facilitate Al Dahra’s entry into Mato Grosso, the governor promised to make the government’s technical teams available to the company, offering all the support necessary to make the investments. “We will work together to find the best opportunities and strengthen the partnership between Mato Grosso and the United Arab Emirates,” said Mendes.

Al Dahra’s arrival in Mato Grosso represents a great opportunity for the state’s development, generating jobs, income and foreign exchange. In addition, the partnership with an internationally renowned company helps to strengthen the state’s image as a safe and attractive destination for investments in agribusiness.

After the meeting, technical teams from both sides will work to define the next steps and implement the partnership. Al Dahra is expected to begin operations in Mato Grosso in the coming years, contributing to the sustainable growth of the state’s agribusiness.
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