Foreclosure notice forces Karuturi to pay off 25 percent debt
- The Reporter
- 07 June 2014
The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is pressuring Karuturi Global Ltd to repay a credit provision of 65 million birr (US$3.3 million).
The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia is pressuring Karuturi Global Ltd to repay a credit provision of 65 million birr (US$3.3 million).
Interview with Sai Ramakrishna Karuturi, chairman and managing director Karuturi Global Limited.
Nyikaw Ochalla outlines the disparaging treatment towards locals in Gambela as he highlights government as well as Karuturi’s complacency towards the displaced locals.
Karuturi Ltd, l’entité de production florale de Karuturi Global Ltd au Kenya, est au bord de l’effondrement financier et vient d’être placé sous administration judiciaire. L’un des pires accapareurs de terres de la planète est dans la situation la plus difficile qu’il ait jamais connue.
Un résumé des derniers événements au 13 février 2014 publié par Tax Justice Network, Forum Syd Kenya, GRAIN, Anywaa Survival Organisation et le South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements
Documento de fondo para acompañar el boletín de prensa del 14 de febrero de 2014 de Tax Justice Network, Forum Syd Kenya, GRAIN, Anywaa Survival Organisation y South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements
Karuturi Ltd, la unidad de producción florícola de Karuturi Global en Kenya, entró en colapso financiero y fue puesta bajo administración judicial. Uno de los acaparadores de tierras más infames del mundo está sumido en los más grandes problemas que haya tenido jamás.
Background document accompanying the 14 February 2014 media release issued by Tax Justice Network, GRAIN, Anywaa Survival Organisation, Forum Syd Kenya and the South Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movements.
Karturi Ltd, the Kenyan flower production unit of Karuturi Global, is in financial collapse and been put under receivership. One of the world's most infamous landgrabbers is in its deepest trouble yet.
La fiebre del oro ha llegado a Etiopía, pero esto no guarda relación alguna con el metal amarillo. Es la búsqueda del oro verde: tierras agrícolas fértiles.
The Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA) has withdrawn 3,000 investment permits that it had previously granted to Ethiopian and foreign companies, including Karuturi Global Ltd.
Several investors with large agricultural leases are being investigated for illegal activities, including corruption, environmental destruction, and failure to uphold the terms of their contracts
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