How much land is in foreign hands?
- Times of Zambia
- 16 April 2018
The Zambia Land Alliance has challenged government to make public how much land is currently in the hands of foreigners.
The Zambia Land Alliance has challenged government to make public how much land is currently in the hands of foreigners.
African Agriculture Fund Environmental, Social and Governance Annual Report 2017
China Railway Seventh Group and the Zambian government sign infrastructure construction deal for the planned 200,000 ha Kalungwishi Farm Block in Mporokoso district.
Some commercial farmers in Zambia's have acquired thousands of hectares while ignoring laws meant to prevent forced evictions, writes Juliana Nnoko-Mewanu from Human Rights Watch
Le gouvernement zambien manque à son devoir de protéger les droits des habitants de zones rurales qui sont déplacés par l'installation de vastes exploitations agricoles commerciales dans le district de Serenje
Dozens of rural families have been left with no shelter or source of livelihoods following mass acquisition of land by commercial farmers.
The group, backed by European development banks, revealed it had sold 90% of its Zampalm operation to the Industrial Development Corporation of Zambia, a state-backed fund, for $16m
AgDevCo expects that its investments in two large-scale commercial farming enterprises in Zambia will provide the “critical mass” needed to attract ancillary businesses along the supply chain
Two Chinese media firms – China Agriculture Film and Television Center and Global Max Media Group – co-hosted the China Africa Agriculture Co-operation and Development Summit in Lusaka.
China has approved plans to establish international agricultural demonstration zones in 10 countries. The projects include an agriculture technology park in Laos, Zambia dan Fiji, said agriculture ministry in a statement.
Le ministère chinois de l'Agriculture a validé la création de "zones de démonstration agricole à l'international" dans 10 pays, rapporte Reuters. Objectif : accroître son influence sur le secteur agricole mondial.
"China will continue to encourage Chinese enterprises to invest in large-scale farming, animal husbandry, grain storage and processing in Africa," says China's Ambassador to Zambia.
Private firms may help revive MP’s degraded forests
Investors grab a $15m stake in Riverina citrus farms