Menacés par la crise alimentaire comme par l'épée Damoclès, la Chine, la Corée du Sud et les États du Golfe achètent des terres arables dans les pays pauvres pour subvenir à leurs propres besoins. Devlin Kuyek porte-parole de GRAIN, fait la lumière sur cette pratique méconnue, mais de plus en plus répandue.
- Radio Canada
10 January 2009
Land acquisitions abroad are the only viable response, Mohammed Raouf, program manager of environment research at the Gulf Research Center, and others say.
- The Christian Science Monitor
22 December 2008
One-hour audio debate on the BBC
A worldwide food shortage mixed with a global credit crisis has some countries getting creative. They're bartering food for other essentials. Javier Blas of Financial Times talks to Madeleine Brand about which nations are striking deals and what they're trading.
- National Public Radio
24 November 2008
A lot of countries don't grow nearly enough food to feed themselves. Britain is one; South Korea, another. The giant South Korean conglomerate, Daewoo, has come up with a novel way of solving the problem of food security. It has leased a vast tract of land, 1.3 million acres, on the African island of Madagascar.
Interview with Sudanese government and FAO officials on leasing farmland to foreign investors
This week, Saudi Arabia announced plans to invest in overseas fisheries, livestock and food production, and is reportedly trying to partner with Thai rice farms to lock in future supplies. Libya is in talks with Ukraine about growing wheat there, and as China tries to feed its expanding middle class, it’s looking to buy up farmland in Africa and South America.
- Marketplace / American Public Media
09 May 2008
The Czech government has recently backed proposed legislation that should make it easier for foreigners from EU countries to buy Czech farmland.
- Radio Praha
22 February 2007