Canadian Journal of Development Studies | December 2012
Just released! A collection on Land grabbing in Latin America
Editor: John Harriss
vol. 33, no. 4, December 2012
Special Issue Guest Editors:
Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Cristóbal Kay, Sergio Gómez and John Wilkinson
There are eight articles in this Special Issue: seven research articles plus the guest editors’ introductory essay, covering country experiences in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Guatemala and Mexico. A close reading of the contributions to this Special Issue can contribute important insights into the debate on land grabbing. In addition to introducing a previously under-explored geographic region into the emerging land grab literature, they also provide insights into the distinct political economy of the region that informs the way land grabs actually occur, and are perceived and understood. The contribution of these papers to the broader scholarship on land grabbing can be seen in at least seven ways elaborated in the introductory essay.
The publication of this special issue is co-sponsored by the Transnational Institute (
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Table of Contents
Land and capital: key characteristics of ‘land grabbing’ in Latin America, by Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Cristóbal Kay, Sergio Gómez and John Wilkinson.
Land grabbing: concentration and foreignization of land in Uruguay, by Diego E. Piñeiro
Land concentration and foreign land ownership in Argentina in the context of global land grabbing, by Miguel Murmis and Maria R. Murmis
Concentration and foreignization of land in Bolivia, by Miguel Urioste F. de C.
Land grabbing: concentration and foreignization of land in Paraguay, by Luis A. Galeano
Concentration and foreign ownership of land in Brazil in the context of global land grabbing phenomenon, by John Wilkinson, Bastiaan Reydon and Alberto di Sabbato
Land control-grabbing in Guatemala: the political economy of contemporary agrarian change, by Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
(Trans)national agribusiness capital and land market dynamics in Mexico, by Héctor Manuel Robles Berlanga
Just released! A collection on Land grabbing in Latin America

Editor: John Harriss
vol. 33, no. 4, December 2012
Special Issue Guest Editors:
Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Cristóbal Kay, Sergio Gómez and John Wilkinson
There are eight articles in this Special Issue: seven research articles plus the guest editors’ introductory essay, covering country experiences in Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Guatemala and Mexico. A close reading of the contributions to this Special Issue can contribute important insights into the debate on land grabbing. In addition to introducing a previously under-explored geographic region into the emerging land grab literature, they also provide insights into the distinct political economy of the region that informs the way land grabs actually occur, and are perceived and understood. The contribution of these papers to the broader scholarship on land grabbing can be seen in at least seven ways elaborated in the introductory essay.
The publication of this special issue is co-sponsored by the Transnational Institute (
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The link takes you to a sign in page where you will need to sign in or register on Taylor & Francis Online to access the content. If you do not currently have an active account then you will first need to register. Please click on the link and then click on ‘Register’ to complete all the required details. You will then have a username/password that you can use to login and access the free content. If you already have an account simply click on the link and sign-in with your username/password. You will be able to access the free content immediately. The token is valid until the 31st May 2013, when the free access will end.
Table of Contents
Land and capital: key characteristics of ‘land grabbing’ in Latin America, by Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Cristóbal Kay, Sergio Gómez and John Wilkinson.
Land grabbing: concentration and foreignization of land in Uruguay, by Diego E. Piñeiro
Land concentration and foreign land ownership in Argentina in the context of global land grabbing, by Miguel Murmis and Maria R. Murmis
Concentration and foreignization of land in Bolivia, by Miguel Urioste F. de C.
Land grabbing: concentration and foreignization of land in Paraguay, by Luis A. Galeano
Concentration and foreign ownership of land in Brazil in the context of global land grabbing phenomenon, by John Wilkinson, Bastiaan Reydon and Alberto di Sabbato
Land control-grabbing in Guatemala: the political economy of contemporary agrarian change, by Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
(Trans)national agribusiness capital and land market dynamics in Mexico, by Héctor Manuel Robles Berlanga