Agriculture & Natural Solutions Acquisition is a Nasdaq-listed SPAQ that recently acquired 200,000 ha of farmland in Australia through a business combination with Australian Food & Agriculture Company Limited.
- MarketBeat
30 November 2024
Avon Pension Fund plans to further allocate between £100m and £150m to assets such as sustainable forestry and agriculture due to the assets return factors.
- Room 151
27 November 2024
We must recognize and stop the growing takeover of forest, grassland, and farmland by powerful financial actors, which is being perpetrated in the name of new myths of false solutions to climate change.
- ActionAid USA
23 November 2024
A trio of dairy farms spanning a combined 570 hectares in the state’s north have been listed for sale after more than a decade in the hands of Swedish owners.
- The Weekly Times
04 November 2024
In a rare move, Australia’s largest agricultural landholder by value, the mammoth Canadian pension fund PSP, has listed a significant cropping aggregation in southern Queensland for sale.
- The Weekly Times
31 October 2024
There is an increasing demand for nature-based solutions and real assets are of particular interest to institutional asset owners. But just because something is a natural investment does not always mean it is good for the environment. Or that it is a good investment.
- ImpactAlpha
29 October 2024
Profiteering companies are lining up to buy water rights in the western US as the water supply dwindles.
- Truthout
22 September 2024
Prosegur company, linked to community violence cases at Agropalma's oil palm plantations, lost over US$ 6 million from the Norwegian Global Fund
- Brasil de Fato
13 September 2024
Une enquête du Comité d’éthique du fonds de pension norvégien, actionnaire du groupe Bolloré, sur les opérations de Socfin au Cameroun imputent de graves méfaits à ce mastodonte de l’agro-industrie qui contrôle Socapalm et Safacam.
- Eco Matin
02 September 2024
The CSSF has put an end to a year-long dispute between small shareholders and Socfin's main shareholders, the Fabri family and French billionaire Vincent Bolloré: the 689,337 shares they not control between them will be bought back at €32.50 per share. This will take Socfin off the stock market at a time when it is the target of fierce criticism from a major Norwegian pension fund. It was also the end of an era for the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
New York-based hedge fund Water Asset Management LLC spent $100 million to buy farmland and water rights in Western Arizona, stirring concerns about a future “water grab” from that rural area and of corporate control over a major groundwater source.
- Arizona Daily Star
26 August 2024
Swedish pension fund Forsta AP-fonden is downsizing its Australian farmland holdings after listing about $50 million of cropping properties in Western Australia’s Great Southern region.
Une trentaine d’organisations accusent des banques de soutenir le Groupe Bolloré par leurs concours financiers et leur silence, face aux accusations de violations des droits humains dénoncés par le Conseil d’Éthique du Fonds de pension norvégien dans les plantations de sa filiale, la Société financière des Caoutchoucs (Socfin), au Cameroun.
Canadian super fund manager Alberta Investment Management Corp has completed contracts for its purchase of the Kimberley Meat Co beef processing facility in Western Australia’s Kimberley region that includes pastoral leases covering 475,000 ha.
- Beef Central
19 August 2024
Communities living close to oil palm plantations run by PHC in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo are laying claim to just over 58,000 ha of land, and are demanding access to the company’s land titles to determine the boundaries of its concessions.
UK local government pension schemes-backed Stafford Carbon Offsets Opportunities Fund has invested $60m to acquire degraded pastureland in south-western Brazil and made a $12m investment in three properties totalling 1,914ha in New Zealand.
Le puissant Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global donne deux ans au groupe français Bolloré pour améliorer le sort des travailleurs de la Société camerounaise des palmeraies, sa filiale indirecte.
- Reporterre
07 August 2024
Une vingtaine d'organisations et alliés des communautés affectées par les plantations de palmiers à huile et d'hévéas du groupe Socfin expriment leur mécontentement face à la décision du Norges Bank Investment Management de ne pas se retirer de l’actionnariat de Bolloré SE et de la Compagnie de l'Odet SE
Twenty organisations and allies of communities affected by the Socfin group’s oil palm and rubber plantations express their dissatisfaction with the Norges Bank Investment Management's decision not to divest from Bolloré SE and Compagnie de l’Odet SE
Allegations of illegal activity and land-grabbing against Indonesia’s second-largest palm oil company continue to mount as a new report reveals the firm’s violations appear to be more extensive than initially documented.
Les communautés riveraines des plantations de la société Plantations et Huileries du Congo (PHC) au nord-est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) revendiquent un peu plus de 58 000 hectares de terres et veulent accéder aux titres fonciers de la société pour connaître les limites de ses concessions.
Global institutional investors, led by Canadian pension funds, are piling into the sector, a trend mirroring growing allocations to the farming and related rural sectors worldwide.
- Asian Investor
03 May 2024
Qantas Super plans to generate a higher proportion of returns from the agricultural sector after committing $200 million to the development of high-yielding horticultural crops on properties managed by farmland investor goFARM.
Russia has seized companies belonging to agricultural firm AgroTerra and placed them under temporary management, including some backed by Dutch investment firms, a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin showed late on Monday.
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan portfolio now includes 130,000 acres of agricultural land globally, from apple orchards to row crop farmland and aquaculture assets, in Australia, Chile, Canada, the US and Portugal
Veripath Farmland Partners has brought its total acreage under management to approximately 120,000 acres through its latest acquisition of 1,246 acres of farmland in the Province of Alberta.
With mortgage rates now sitting at six to seven percent, many investors have turned their attention away from Canadian farmland. “The investors (in farmland) have all run away,” says one real estate agent.
- Western Producer
04 April 2024
The Butler Valley leases terminated by Arizona's governor only amount to about one quarter of Fondomonte’s total farm holdings in Arizona prior to October. Besides the 3500 acres that the company leased from the state, it privately controls almost 10,000 acres more further south and closer to Vicksburg.
- Arizona Capitol Times
28 Mar 2024
AAM Investment Group has sold its 14,074ha Sunshine Farms Aggregation in the Lachlan Valley of New South Wales for an undisclosed sum and the buyer is believed to be the US pension fund manager Nuveen.
- Grain Central
26 Mar 2024
Foreign ownership of American land has gained a lot of buzz lately, but senior staff attorney and professor with the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law and Graduate School, Fran Miller says more attention should go to domestic corporate ownership.