La Commission européenne a autorisé la Lituanie et la Slovaquie à prolonger jusqu'en 2014 l'interdiction de vendre des terres agricoles aux étrangers, afin d'éviter une éventuelle spéculation
- La France Agricole
14 April 2011
Le gouvernement de la Lituanie demande à Bruxelles de prolonger l'interdiction de vendre des terres agricoles aux étrangers jusqu'en 2014, afin d'éviter une éventuelle spéculation.
In an extraordinary shareholder’s meeting Lithuanian agribusiness conglomerate Agrowill agreed to increase the company’s share capital by €18 million to fund new projects.
- Baltic Reports
23 August 2010
More than 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a gulf still exists between farm prices in eastern and western Germany which provides a "good opportunity" for investors, a boss at KTG Agrar has said.
KTG Agrar AG, Germany’s largest farming company, plans to increase land under management by 20 percent to 25 percent within a year. The company farms 29,000 hectares in eastern Germany and Lithuania.
Agrowill Group AB, the largest agricultural investment company in the Baltic States, intends to sell all land owned by the Group in Lithuania to the Land Fund that will be established.
- Agrowill
22 September 2008
Companies listed on European exchanges have been acquiring large amounts of farmland in Russia
Les compagnies étrangères cotées dans les bourses européennes achètent activement des terres agricoles en Russie