• Goldman clients are giving Cadre $250 million to pour into commercial real estate
    • Tech Crunch
    • 10 January 2018

    An online real estate platform co-founded by Jared Kushner and financed by Goldman Sachs says it will expand into farmland deals.

  • Karuturi Global promoters increase pledge as problems continue
    • Business Standard
    • 14 August 2013

    The promoters of Karuturi Global have been forced to increase their pledge towards the lenders by as much as 58% even as the company is trying to stabilise their operations in Ethiopia

  • Smithfield Foods – Shuanghui International: The biggest Chinese acquisition that isn't
    • Caijing
    • 03 June 2013

    A Chinese company isn’t buying Smithfield. A shell company based in Cayman Islands is. Instead of a story about “China buying up the world”, this turns out to be a story of a precarious leveraged buyout deal by some large global private equity firms looking to borrow their way to a fortune.

  • El monopoly de tierras
    • Palabre-ando
    • 13 September 2012

    Relatos por la Soberanía Alimentaria en Radio Euskadi, 13 de septiembre de 2012

  • Goldman Sachs: el negocio de hambrear
    • Palabre-ando
    • 10 April 2012

    Un nuevo negocio, también hambreador, ha salido al escenario. Comprar las mejores tierras fértiles para exigirles (hasta su agotamiento) la producción de biomasa.

  • Le Guatemala sous la coupe de l'agrobusiness
    • Le Monde
    • 03 June 2011

    Au Guatemala, le marché de l'huile de palme est détenu par cinq familles. Et l'un de ces geants guatélmaltèques, Palma del Ixcán, est une filiale de la comagnie texane Green Earth Fuels, controlée par les fonds d'investissement Goldman Sachs et Carlyle

  • Upside for agribusiness investment is promising
    • Moscow Times
    • 06 April 2011

    News that the Russian government is working with Goldman Sachs to set up a $10 billion private equity fund, part of which will be allocated to agribusiness, underscores that Russian agriculture is again on investors’ minds.

  • Global land grabbing: Eroding food sovereignty
    • PAN AP
    • 14 January 2011

    Land deals, whether as direct purchases or long-term leases, are being brokered in poor countries by advanced capitalist countries and their TNCs

  • Investment bankers with wings: Making a killing
    • Huffington Post
    • 04 May 2010

    Unfortunately, the US Senate inquiry into Goldman Sach's alleged malfeasance is unlikely to question why the company in 2008 decided to acquire ten intensive poultry farms in China's Hunan and Fujian provinces for $300 million.

  • Tea farmers struggle for survival in fields of gold
    • The Observer
    • 08 November 2009

    Commodity experts such as Goldman Sachs's Currie believe that land-grabbing is a good thing. He argues it will lead to more investment in agriculture. But others worry that the phenomenon will see farmers thrown off their land as more powerful forces move in.

  • Developed countries face threat of soaring prices and food shortages
    • The Guardian
    • 01 November 2009

    Goldman Sachs' welcoming outlook on landgrab deals will be scrutinised because banks were criticised by some for fuelling speculation in commodities last year.

  • Foreign investors snap up African farmland
    • Der Spiegel
    • 30 July 2009

    Because of the political sensitivity of the modern-day land grab, it is often only the country's head of state who knows the details. Der Spiegel investigates.

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