Olam to set up US$49m rice farming and milling facility in Nigeria
- Business Times
- 02 December 2011
The 6,000 hectare farm in Nasarawa, one of Nigeria's main rice growing belts, is expected to yield 36,000 tonnes of milled rice annually at its peak.
The 6,000 hectare farm in Nasarawa, one of Nigeria's main rice growing belts, is expected to yield 36,000 tonnes of milled rice annually at its peak.
China's largest animal feed producer will launch an overseas fund this month with international investors, including Singapore's Temasek Holdings, that will set up farms in the Middle East, South Africa and central Europe.
Soumis à des contraintes d’espace, les groupes asiatiques multiplient les accords en Afrique. Si le pari est parfois risqué, les perspectives de la demande mondiale en huile de palme leur laissent entrevoir un fort retour sur investissement.
African and South American palm oil players are flocking to join the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, highlighting a growing trend of the industry’s rapid expansion outside main producing region Southeast Asia
A Singapore-based investor in agriculture is to put in an investment of $50 million in 10,000 hectares of fully irrigated and precision levelled commercial rice farm in Ondorie area of Doma Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.
Biopalm Energy, a subsidiary of Singapore's Siva group, will launch a 200,000 hectare palm oil project in the south of Cameroon, an official of the country's agriculture ministry said.
Asian Agri Capital, a Singapore private-equity firm that focuses on early-stage plantations, is seeking to raise $100 million to invest in palm oil and other tropical commodities in Southeast Asia and Latin America
The Funds will invest in agricultural, renewable energy plantations and forestry businesses, with a fundamental principal of owning the core assets through the funds with the management of all operations carried out by established operators in the region.
Le président Bongo a visité lundi les 5.000 hectares de pépinières de palmeraies de la région de Kango, gérées par le groupe singapourien Olam. Ces 5.000 ha constituent la première phase d'un projet de palmeraie de 200.000 ha à l'horizon 2017.
Le projet mené par Olam en partenariat avec l’Etat gabonais portera à 200 000 hectares la superficie des plantations de palmiers à l’horizon 2016 – 2017
Asian investors have overtaken Europeans as the biggest buyers of Australian land, a snapshot of foreign acquisitions reveals.
La première phase d’investissement du projet, piloté par Olam Palm Gabon, démarrera en octobre, avec la plantation de 50 000 ha de palmeraies dans la région de Lambaréné (Moyen-Ogooué) et de 8 000 ha dans la région de Kango (Estuaire), à une centaine de kilomètres de Libreville
Acaparamiento de tierras, mares y atmósferas
Massive Riverina farm sold to Aussie investors
Situation Apouh: la Socapalm interpelle l’Etat !