Resignation of CEO is latest setback to the project in north-eastern China's Jilin province meant to diversify food sources for Singaporeans and help improve safety standards for Chinese consumers.
- Straits Times
26 September 2015
Sunny Verghese, CEO de Olam, cuenta que la empresa estudia entrar a los sectores cacaotero y palmero. Para este último, la inversión sería de US$100 millones.
- El Espectador
17 September 2015
Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation has bought a 20 per cent stake in global-agri business Olam through two transactions as the companies launch a strategic partnership.
Le groupe singapourien Olam vient de lancer sa premiere usine de production de cette denrée dans le pays.
A Rice Farm Consortium from Dubai investing in a 7,500 hectares of rice farm in Saminaka, Borgu local government area of Niger State will spend $100million and employ 4,000 youths in the state.
- Leadership
15 August 2015
Un projet de palmier à huile dans le district de Kisaware connaît actuellement un regain d’intérêt de la part des officiels après le silence qui avait prévalu à son endroit durant les deux dernières années.
- Agence Ecofin
28 July 2015
Ce projet colossal dont le maître d'oeuvre est le géant singapourien Olam génère la controverse: ses défenseurs y voient une promesse de diversification d'une économie de rente pétrolière à bout de souffle; ses détracteurs critiquent son impact environnemental, social et culturel.
In 2013 NDC of Tanzania inked a deal with Nava Bharat Pte Ltd of Singapore (NBS) to put up an oil palm farm and processing plant. The joint venture agreement was valued at $111 million.
- EA Business Week
18 May 2015
Singapore-based Golden Agri-Resources, which has oil palm plantations covering 250,000 ha in Indonesia, wants to expand in Kalimantan. Rights groups accuse the company of taking land from local people without free and informed consent.
Palm oil conglomerate criticised for multiple violations of RSPO requirements that lands can only be acquired from indigenous peoples and local communities with their free, prior and informed consent.
Sovereign wealth funds’ appetite for agriculture and fertilizer companies is growing as concerns about stable food supplies rise.
- Institutional Investor
05 Mar 2015
«Les transactions foncières menées par les gouvernements comptent parmi les facteurs qui rendent la culture de l’huile de palme particulièrement attractive » affirme Sunny Verghese, le PDG d'Olam
- Agence Ecofin
04 Mar 2015