• Investor Survey on Land Rights
    • USAID
    • 08 November 2017

    We invite you to participate in the first biennial Investor Survey on Land Rights. The survey will track investor and operator perceptions and practices related to land tenure and property rights in land-based investments. The survey is being conducted by Indufor North America, managed by the Cloudburst Group, and initiated by USAID. The European Investment Bank is pleased to endorse this initiative.

  • Congo governor offers farmland in mining province
    • Reuters
    • 22 April 2011

    Moise Katumbi, governor of mineral-rich Katanga province in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has offered 14 million hectares of farmland to large-scale farmers to boost agriculture.

  • Africa: We export food to import food
    • Pambazuka
    • 20 April 2011

    The World Food Program intends to buy some of the grain produced in Ethiopia by foreign investors in order to assist hungry people. Ironically, this group of intended food aid recipients will include those working to produce it in the first place. Ethiopia's government is calling this sustainable development.

  • Afrique : Nous exportons des denrées alimentaires pour importer de la nourriture
    • Pambazuka
    • 20 April 2011

    On assiste depuis quelques années à une véritable envolée des investissements agricoles dans le monde en développement.

  • You reap what you sow
    • Arabian Business
    • 13 January 2011

    As Gulf states continue to invest in foreign farmland, what are the long term implications

  • "Les pays africains doivent devenir le Brésil du futur"
    • L'Echo
    • 16 October 2010

    Pour la directrice générale du Programme alimentaire mondial l’investissement massif en Afrique est indispensable.

  • Sign the petition to stop the deployment of police/military and criminalisation of peasants struggling for their land against oil palm plantation company in Buol Regency, Sulawesi, Indonesia

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