Greens/EFA | 8 March 2013
"Fair access to land and food: How to stop global land grabbing"
Public conference, 8 March 2012, European Parliament
Room ASP1G3, 60 rue Wiertz, 1047 Brussels
Room ASP1G3, 60 rue Wiertz, 1047 Brussels
- Professor Harold von Witzke, slides (.ppt)
- Shivani Chaudhry, slides (.pptx)
- Renée Vellvé, GRAIN document (.pdf) (en français)
- Olivier De Schutter, Statement (.doc)
International capital, multinational enterprises, and even some governments are increasingly taking control over farmland around the world. Large amount of highly productive land is taken away from farmers, mainly in developing countries but also within the EU and Central and Eastern Europe.
The conference wishes to highlight the problem of land grabbing in the global food crisis and the human right to food, present existing alternative land management models and encourage decision makers to implement new instruments for sustainable land ownership models.
14.30 |
Security checks and registration at ASP reception desk (Entrance on Esplanade - Luxembourg station) |
15.00 |
Welcome to the conference and short introduction Martin Häusling, MEP, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development |
15.10 |
Olivier De Schutter, UN rapporteur for the human right to food "Opportunities for sustainable governance of land tenure and natural resource management" |
15.25 |
Professor Harald von Witzke, THU Berlin: "What can the EU do to stop land grabbing and to contribute to global food security?" |
15.40 |
Questions and answers - discussion with participants Moderation: Ska Keller MEP, Committee on Development |
16.10 |
Jim Harkness, Director of IATP the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy USA: "Land grabbing - what happens in China and the United States - and what it means on a global scale" |
16.25 |
Renée Vellvé, GRAIN "Land grabbing: what needs to be done? Some perspectives from the ground" |
16.40 |
Questions and answers - discussion with participants Moderation: Alyn Smith, MEP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development |
17.10 |
Dr. Claire Schaffnit-Chatterjee, Senior Analyst Deutsche Bank AG "What has increased the interest of the financial sector in land purchase?" |
17.25 |
Shivani Chaudhry, Associate Director, Housing and Land Rights Network, Rajjagopal PV, India "Land grabbing in India and movement of small peasants for food sovereignty" |
17.40 |
Question and answers - discussion with participants Moderation: José Bové, MEP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development |
18.10 |
Final round of statements in the panel and closing remarks by MEPs |