XPCC signs MOU for agricultural projects in the Ukraine

Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps | 28
 September 2013

(Below is a translation of an excerpt from a statement that was published on the website of Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps (XPCC), which provides details about an agreement between the Ukrainian and Chinese governments and the two state-owned companeis XPCC of China and KSG International of the Ukraine. Subsequent to an article that appeared in the South China Morning Post on September 22, 2013, which relied on the statement as its source of information, the statement was removed from XPCC's website. The statement can, however still be retrieved through Google's cache. The original statement was published at the following address: http://www.bingtuancom.gov.cn/872651d5-24e4-41c5-99d4-deecc6ff7354_1.html. The original full text is available at the bottom of this page and the portion that is translated is highlighted in yellow. - GRAIN)

XPCC signs MOU for agricultural projects in the Ukraine

Memorandum: KSG International Corporation Limited, China Xinjiang Group, China Overseas Economic Cooperation Head Office (or parent company), and China Ukraine International Engineering Cooperation Association Incorporated have signed a four-way agreement. The memorandum confirms that the cooperating parties' current objective is to supply no less than 100,000 hectares of high quality land for cultivation and basic conditions for pig farming, etc. In the long term, the target is 3 million hectares of land for development of modern farming, modern livestock production, modern breeding, modern agricultural production and distribution, modern agricultural support and safety systems, etc. The cooperation period is 50 years, from June 1, 2013 to June 1, 2063.

Responsibility for each party according to the memorandum "China - Ukraine project for integrated development of agricultural industrialization".  Party A “Ukraine Agricultural Holding Group)” is providing the land for agricultural exploitation, while party B “China Xinjian Group” acting as a general contractor, is responsible for the delivery of  the project (including breeding, soil improvement, planting, cultivation, irrigation, agricultural machinery, agricultural logistics, dedicated ports, deep processing of agricultural products) and the management of operation under the concept of “turnkey factory” (Engineering, Procurement & Construction and Operation Management). The agricultural products will be sold by party A to the Chinese government, namely COFCO Corporation and the China Grain Reserve Corporation, at preferential prices, where these products will constitute an important part of the “Grain Safety Reserve Project”. Party C, China Overseas Economic Cooperation Office will in turn help provide the relevant permits and accreditation as well as the necessary investments and financing from the bank. While party D, namely China Ukraine International Engineering Cooperation Association Incorporated, will promote business cooperation between both countries institutions, provide investment for the above mentioned project to party A, and also reorganize the business to be listed as a private company on the HongKong stock exchange to get financing.

  备忘录由甲方:KSG INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION LIMITED,乙方:中国新建集团公司,丙方:中国海外经济合作总公司,丁方:中国乌克兰国际工程协作协会有限公司四方联合签署。备忘录确定,合作各方近期工作目标是提供不少于10万公顷的在耕种的优质土地及种猪等养殖的基本条件,中远期合作目标为300万公顷土地开发,包括相应的现代种植业,现代畜牧业,现代育种业,现代农产品加工及物流,现代农业支撑保障系统等,合作期限50周年,自2013年6月1日起至2063年6月1日。
  为落实谅解备忘录要求,6月1日上午,应本项目的牵头单位中乌协会要求,兵团商务局、兵团建工集团、兵团设计院等单位负责同志,召开了会议,研究了下一步工作的主要任务。1.兵团设计院决定在6月中旬派出专家组赴乌克兰,对初步确定的10万公顷土地进行考察,提出兵团方面的项目实施建议方案并为兵团代表团出访做前期工作;2. 会议认为要尽快启动办理兵团高层代表团于6月底出访乌克兰考察手续事宜,以便加快兵团方面参与该项目的决策进程;3.中乌协会建议兵团6月中旬派出工作小组赴京,商议办理兵团代表团出访活动安排,拜访项目有关合作方,为在初步确定兵团方面参与项目实施的技术方案的基础上,商洽项目合作商务合同,为7月份乌克兰总统访华期间签订合作协议奠定基础。
  •   XPCC
  • 28 September 2013

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