Norad | September 2018
(The cases of Norwegian development cooperation covered in the report include the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania and the Agrica – Kilombero Plantation Ltd. rice farm in Tanzania)
The overarching questions asked by this evaluation are to what extent the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) are implemented in Norwegian development cooperation, and how Norwegian development aid involving business promotes, protects and respects human rights.
UNGP, human rights and Norwegian development cooperation involving business
(The cases of Norwegian development cooperation covered in the report include the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania and the Agrica – Kilombero Plantation Ltd. rice farm in Tanzania)
The promotion of human rights is a longstanding priority in Norwegian development cooperation. Support to private sector development has become an increasingly central part of Norway’s aid programme, and there is a growing consensus that the private sector is a key driver of economic development. Although there is widespread support for the role of private business in supporting sustainable development, there are also cautionary
voices against the perceived and real perils of globalisation to poor populations. Reports of human rights challenges and land grabbing by international investors in poor countries show that there is no guarantee that companies will act responsibly.
The overarching questions asked by this evaluation are to what extent the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) are implemented in Norwegian development cooperation, and how Norwegian development aid involving business promotes, protects and respects human rights.