Ukraine’s other land grab

A combine harvests wheat in a field near the village of Zghurivka, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in Kyiv region, Ukraine August 9, 2022 (Photo: Viacheslav Musiienko/Reuters)
Al Jazeera | 9 April 2023

Ukraine’s other land grab

Listen to the podcast episode here

Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe, and its land is changing hands.

Ukraine might not look like a good financial investment after a year at war with no end in sight, but Harvard, Saudi Arabia, a handful of oligarchs, and the United States investment manager The Vanguard Group see it differently. They are just a few of the investors who have been buying up Ukrainian land – and its rich, fertile soil – en masse, while many Ukrainian farmers argue it should stay in Ukrainian hands.

In this episode: 
Frederic Mousseau, policy director at the Oakland Institute
Anuradha Mittal (@Mittaloak), founder and executive director of the Oakland Institute
Lorina Fedorova, expert on sustainable agriculture, NGO “Ekodiya”(Ecoaction)
Roman Gryshyna, CEO of Travelite MICE&Travel Ukraine

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