CGIAR joins global farmland grab
    An internal document recently posted on IRRI's website reveals that the Institute has been advising Saudi Arabia in the context of its strategy to acquire farm land overseas for its own food production.
    • GRAIN
    • 08 September 2009
    Wish you weren't here: The devastating effects of the new colonialists
    A new breed of colonialism is rampaging across the world, with rich nations buying up the natural resources of developing countries that can ill afford to sell. Some staggering deals have already been done, but angry locals are now trying to stop the landgrabs
    • The Independent
    • 09 August 2009
    Ukrainian black earth: global battle for strategic resource
    There may emerge a situation when Ukrainians will be starving in spite of having the most fertile black earth.
    • The Day
    • 21 July 2009

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