Rural 'vulture' funds have been attracted by rising profits in land where prices rose by 15% last year, and the biggest losers in this game of investment chess are young and active farmers looking for more land.
In Ireland, vulture funds and lenders are following a more aggressive strategy since the end of Covid-19 moratorium on forced sales
- Independent
17 November 2020
FrieslandCampina WAMCO and Neon Agro have agreed to acquire 10,000 hectares of land each, while Irish Dairy are to develop 4,000 hectares for their local milk production project.
Trócaire’s new report highlights how corporate greed is leading to land being taken, forests cut down, rivers poisoned. Those who stand up to defend their rights are being harassed, intimidated, even murdered.
Liu Yonghao, chairman of China’s agrichemical business New Hope has joined a brood of bidders for a £1bn takeover of Northern Irish poultry giant Moy Park.
- The Telegraph
19 August 2017
Hundreds of farms in Ireland face repossession this year as so-called vulture funds swoop on indebted properties, agri-finance experts have warned.
- Farm Ireland
17 January 2017
Sumitomo Corp. agreed to buy Dublin-based Fyffes Plc for €751 million ($798 million) in cash, expanding the company’s reach in the global fruit market and sending the Irish producer’s shares soaring.
- Japan Times
09 December 2016
De nombreux partenariats avec des investisseurs étrangers sont en cours dans le domaine agricole, se félicite le directeur de l’organisation foncière au ministère de l'Agriculture algérien
Un groupe financier irlandais met la main sur les terres charentais et les font cultiver par un entrepreneur agricole. "Il passe une fois de temps en temps avec un tracteur de 300 chevaux et c’est tout», râle un élu, impuissant.
- Charente Libre
08 July 2015
Ce projet présenté par des investisseurs irlandais et britanniques prévoit la création de 12 fermes de 3000 vaches laitières chacune réparties sur superficie de 120 000 ha et le développement de la filière fourragère en Algérie.
- Maghreb Emergent
10 November 2013
A group of foreign financiers is examining the possibility of investing up to €50m in Irish dairy production, it has been revealed.
Saudi Arabia and Ireland will explore possibilities on how to clinch deals with countries that can offer food security for the Kingdom
- Saudi Gazette
31 October 2010