Let's say no to palm oil in our foods!

Let's say no to palm oil in our foods!

Great Italian Food Trade and ilfattoalimentare.it started a campaign to say STOP to palm oil use, calling the stakeholders to reflect on the ethical, environmental and health concerns associated with its consumption.

The production of palm is strictly related to the practice known as land grabbing, which implies the displacement of millions of African and Asian families. It represents also the first cause of deforestation (increasing CO2 emissions) in Southeast Asia as well as the destruction of natural habitats. Palm oil request by the market has encouraged wider cultivation of palm trees with the consequence that every year many kilometers of forests are completely destroyed to obtain palm oil monocultures. All these operations involve human rights violations, such as the abolishment of food sovereignty and the reduction of biodiversity.

Palm oil is used by many food producers because it is cheap and because it can be used in several ways. Despite that, palm oil causes low-grade inflammation that is linked to insulin resistance, obesity and other metabolic diseases that are partially mediated by our resident gut microbes. According to nutritionists a daily intake of high amounts of this ingredient can be dangerous for our health, also because the presence of a relevant percentage of saturated fats. 

Great Italian Food Trade (www.greatitalianfoodtrade.com) call the stakeholders to reflect on the ethical, environmental and health concerns associated with its consumption. Let's sign!

- See more at: http://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.com/food-sustainability/stop-palm-oil#sthash.xQTkcGjx.dpuf
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