Land-grabbing causes hunger! Let small-scale farmers feed the world!
    It is clear that land-grabbing is an inherent part of the agribusiness model promoted by institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF, IFAD, the FAO or the EU.
    • Via Campesina
    • 13 October 2010
    Campesinos del mundo protestan en Roma contra el acaparamiento de tierras
    Representantes de agricultores de África y Asia y América Latina se congregaron en Roma para pedir a la comunidad internacional que cese el acaparamiento de tierras por parte de inversionistas privados y países que buscan aprovisionarse de materias primas y alimentos.
    • AFP
    • 13 October 2010
    Farmers urge action against global 'land grab'
    Farmers from the developing world called on governments this week to curb a global land rush in which millions of hectares of their terrain are being taken over by foreign private investors.
    • AFP
    • 13 October 2010
    Translation of Document:Why We Oppose the Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI)
    • La Via Campesina, FIAN, LRAN, GRAIN
    • 13 October 2010
    Des ONG demandent de faire plus contre la faim
    La réunion de la FAO doit « proposer des mesures concrètes » pour freiner l'accaparement des terres, a demandé le mouvement paysan Via Campesina.
    • La France Agricole
    • 12 October 2010
    La Via Campesina demands FAO to support the real solutions to the food crisis
    Farmers from La Via Campesina will be at meeting of the FAO Committee on World Food Security next week to demand concrete measures to tackle the problem of land-grabbing.
    • Via Campesina
    • 04 October 2010
    Boletín Nyeleni sobre la cuestión de la tierra
    El primer número del Boletín Nyeleni contiene una edición especial sobre el tema de la tierra
    • 03 October 2010
    Bulletin Nyéléni sur la question de la terre
    Ce bulletin entend apporter une petite pierre à l’édifice de résistance qui sera bâti pour faire échec à aux multinationales, à la banque mondiale et leurs alliés. Nous encourageons toutes les organisations et tous les mouvements engagés pour la souveraineté alimentaire à s'embarquer avec nous pour ce grand voyage.
    • 01 October 2010
    Nyeleni Newsletter on land
    This newsletter aims to bring a small stone to the edifice of resistance that will be built to counteract transnational corporations, the World Bank and their allies. We urge all organizations and all movements committed to the struggle for food sovereignty to embark with us on this journey.
    • 01 October 2010
    LVC and FIAN ask governments to ban land grabbing
    The agenda of the upcoming session of the FAO Committee on World Food Security, on 11-14 October 2010, includes a policy roundtable on land tenure and international investment in agriculture.
    • Via Camepsina
    • 23 September 2010
    Leading the fight for food sovereignty, an interview with La Via Campesina’s Dena Hoff
    There are plenty of examples in the world of countries that can no longer feed themselves because somebody decided it was cheaper or more intelligent to buy all their food from somebody else.
    • WorldWatch Institute
    • 09 August 2010
    Lack of vision for small farmers
    Instead of providing land to big corporations, the Indonesian government has a better choice: to redistribute land to the millions of landless and peasant families so they can work again to feed their family.
    • Jakarta Post
    • 18 June 2010
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