• Karuturi global plans $500 million investment in Tanzania food production
    • Bloomberg
    • 18 August 2011

    The company plans to lease land to grow palm oil, sugar cane and cereals in Tanzania, to add to land it has acquired in Ethiopia. Karuturi is visiting Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia as part of a delegation of 35 Indian investors.

  • Punjab farmers to grow multiple crops in Ethiopia
    • Business Standard
    • 01 August 2011

    Karuturi Global is hiring Punjabi farmers to leave India and farm its large holdings in Ethiopia

  • En Ethiopie, la famine côtoie l’abondance
    • swissinfo
    • 21 July 2011

    Alors que des millions de personnes sont gravement menacées de famine dans la Corne de l’Afrique, des investisseurs étrangers récoltent dans la même région des tonnes de céréales à destination de l’Asie ou des pays du Golfe.

  • Famine and abundance rub shoulders in Ethiopia
    • Infosud/swissinfo.ch
    • 21 July 2011

    While millions of people in the Horn of Africa suffer a terrible drought, foreign investors are harvesting tonnes of cereals to be exported to Asia and the Gulf states.

  • Terres à louer pour cultiver le profit
    • Politis
    • 02 June 2011

    Dans la région de Gambela, en Ethiopie, des firmes transnationales comme Karuturi Global Ltd ou BHO Agro Plc accaparent des milliers d'hectares, obligeant les habitants à quitter leurs terres

  • Karuturi and the conquest of the African mind space
    • Financial Express
    • 24 May 2011

    Ram Karuturi says he is targeting to acquire up to a million hectares of land in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa to build an integrated global agri-product company.

  • Documentos TV - Planeta en venta
    • RTVE.es
    • 14 May 2011

    La crisis financiera de 2008 ha despertado al mundo de las finanzas que ha visto en la agricultura un nuevo mercado. El repentino interés de los inversores por las tierras, se debe a que se han dado cuenta de que con este tipo de inversión no corren riego de quiebra.

  • Ethiopia says it may grant additional land to Karuturi Global
    • Bloomberg
    • 05 May 2011

    Karuturi Global Ltd. may receive an additional 200,000 hectares (494,211 acres) of land from the Ethiopian government if its current 100,000-hectare concession is developed within two years, the Agriculture Ministry said.

  • Karuturi Global denies reports of slashing of land concession by Ethiopian government
    • BSE
    • 04 May 2011

    "The reports claiming that the Government of Ethiopia has reduced the land concession given to Karuturi Global, are completely baseless," says Sai Ramakrishna Karuturi, Founder & MD, Karuturi Global.

  • Ethiopian government slashes size of Karuturi Global land concession
    • Bloomberg
    • 04 May 2011

    Ethiopia slashed the size of Karuturi’s land concession that was larger than Luxembourg on concern it was too big for a single company to manage and to enable an annual migration of antelope, the government said.

  • Documentary: Planet for Sale
    • ARTE
    • 03 May 2011

    Film traces the story of the current mad race for control of farmlands, and the consequences it could have if nothing is done to protect the interests of small farmers and developing countries.

  • Africa: We export food to import food
    • Pambazuka
    • 20 April 2011

    The World Food Program intends to buy some of the grain produced in Ethiopia by foreign investors in order to assist hungry people. Ironically, this group of intended food aid recipients will include those working to produce it in the first place. Ethiopia's government is calling this sustainable development.

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