UAE keen to import Bulgarian food
- Novinite
- 24 November 2010
The Abu Dhabi Development Fund eyes the opportunity to invest in Bulgarian agriculture.
The Abu Dhabi Development Fund eyes the opportunity to invest in Bulgarian agriculture.
Recent business delegations from Iran and Qatar expressed strong interest in buying farmland in Uruguay to develop their own production projects.
Qatar gives special attention to investments in Sudan in agricultural fields and livestock.
Le Qatar mène des négociations préliminaires avec l'Ukraine et l'Argentine sur l'achat de terrains agricoles, a annoncé jeudi le chef du Programme national pour la sécurité alimentaire Mahendra Shah.
Qatar está en conversaciones preliminares con los gobiernos de Argentina y Ucrania para comprar tierras agrícolas destinadas a la producción de cereales.
Qatar is in preliminary talks with the governments of Argentina and Ukraine to buy farmland for cereals production, the head of the Gulf Arab state's national food security programme said on Wednesday.
Hassad Food knows how to shop. The $1b subsidiary of Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund finalised a $500m agreement last year to grow wheat & rice on 100,000 ha in Sudan and has announced plans to invest $700m worldwide this year.
Hassad Food, owned by Qatar's sovereign wealth fund, plans to acquire a sugar project in Brazil with a capacity to produce 25 million tonnes per annum, 70% of which will be shipped to Qatar.
The Qatari company is about to bring home the first shipment of its own wheat produced overseas, and to start producing its own sugar in Brazil
Australian Liberal senator Bill Heffernan warns that sovereign wealth funds need to be watched because some were "already acquiring other sovereigns' wealth to protect their own food security tasks".
UAE-based investment company Al Barakah has shown interest in developing agriculture and farming projects in Bulgaria.
State-backed food producing and marketing giant, Hassad Food Company, has plans to produce rice in India, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam.