Time for attacking double speak

I am a citizen of India and live in Nicaragua. My wife is a Nicaraguan citizen and so are our two children. While studying the documentation for obtaining a PERSON OF INDIAN ORIGIN (PIO) that my wife and children have access to, I learnt that PIO´s do have right to almost everything in India like commerce, business, education, buying home,  setting up factories but can not vote and can not buy agricultural land. How come the laws of the same country permit its citizens to buy agricultural land overseas, moreover why do all the Latin American countries and thier laws permit foreighners to buy agricultural land so easily. Try buying an inch of land in Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, China and India,you will find that it is not easy and probably illegal for foreigners to buy agricultural land. I propose that a protest along this line in an international court be taken up to prevent loss of family farms in Latin America and Africa to the corporate landowners. Alternately we must promote alliances of farmhouseholds between these continents so that borders be open for solidarity based relations where farmhouseholds can sktech the win-win future scenarios

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  • 13 May 2024 - Washington DC
    World Bank Land Conference 2024
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