Hyundai plants Seoul's flag on 50,000ha of Russia
    South Korea's Hyundai Heavy Industries yesterday announced it planned to lease 50,000 hectares of farmland in Russia's far east, in the latest sign of Seoul's push to increase its food security by outsourcing agricultural production overseas, writes Javier Blas
    • FT
    • 15 April 2009
    Saudis and South Koreans in new land rush
    Two of the world's biggest land investors - Saudi Arabia and South Korea - have announced moves to improve their food security. A South Korean company is to buy 125,000 acres in Russia over the next four years and a Saudi group has set up a £600m fund to buy land.
    • Land Gazette
    • 14 April 2009
    Terres agricoles: le grand monopoly
    Le premier constructeur naval sud-coréen, Hyundai Heavy Industries, vient d'annoncer sa participation à l'effort national pour sécuriser les ressources alimentaires du pays. HHI vient d'acquérir 67,6% des parts de Khorol Zerno, propriétaire et exploitant de 10000 hectares de terres agricoles dans le grand est russe, dans la région de Khorolski.
    • Libération
    • 14 April 2009
    SKorea shipbuilder buys big tract of Russian land
    South Korea's largest shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy Industries, announced it will buy a big tract of Russian farmland in the latest move by Korean firms to help their crowded country secure stable food supplies.
    • AFP
    • 14 April 2009
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