• Gulf should weigh agro investments
    • Gulf News
    • 30 August 2008

    Gulf countries contemplating direct agro-investments in central Asia and Africa should evaluate the relative merit of these investments in comparison to similar potential in Europe and Latin America, the Gulf Research Centre said in a recent report.

  • Gulf should weigh agro investments
    • Gulf News
    • 30 August 2008

    Gulf countries contemplating direct agro-investments in central Asia and Africa should evaluate the relative merit of these investments in comparison to similar potential in Eur-ope and Latin America, the Gulf Research Centre said in a recent report.

  • Korea Looks Abroad for Grain
    • Chosun Libo
    • 29 August 2008

    It is becoming harder for Koreans to buy grain, regardless of price. That is why the government is hurrying to cultivate overseas crops and to secure stable import sources.

  • Angola elections bring change to farm sector
    • Reuters
    • 29 August 2008

    For the past 30 years, Jose Vilomba, 47, has walked barefoot on one of Africa’s most fertile valleys using his hands and a shovel to plant vegetables to feed his family. “I’ve been doing this for years,” said Vilomba. “It’s what I do for a living.” But if post-civil war elections in Angola end well, the state-owned land Vilomba is working on could soon be sold to major food producers and the expiration date on his small harvest could equally apply to his own way of life.

  • All eyes on the Chinese pork industry
    • ThePigSite
    • 29 August 2008

    An expected call from Goldman Sachs could change 59-year-old pig farmer, Zou Changkui's (who resides in the southern Chinese city of Longyan) life forever.

  • Alpcot Agro: Half yearly report
    • Half yearly report Alpcot Agro AB
    • 28 August 2008

    “I am satisfied with what we have achieved during the first half of 2008. We have been able to combine a fast increase in land under control with successful operations. The harvested area is estimated to be approximately 53,900 hectares with an estimated harvest of approximately 150,600 tonnes, which is higher than expected.”

  • Gulf banks launch 3 major Islamic investment projects
    • Gulf Times
    • 28 August 2008

    Three major multi-billion Shariah-based projects to boost infrastructure, agriculture and hospitality sectors in GCC and elsewhere in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia were launched here yesterday.

  • Al Qudra buys land for crops
    • AME info
    • 27 August 2008

    Qudra Holding plans to buy about 400,000 hectares of land in the Middle East, Africa and the Far East by the first quarter of 2009 to boost its agriculture operations, reported The National.

  • New Gulf funds find investment niches
    • The National
    • 27 August 2008

    Three new investment funds controlled by prominent Gulf investors will sink at least US$2.8 billion (Dh10.3 bn) into infrastructure, agriculture and hospitality projects in the Middle East and South Asia.

  • Hebei's farmers discover fertile opportunities in a distant land
    • Irish Times
    • 27 August 2008

    "Initially we asked the Africans how much they wanted in rent. They said it's free, just share the food with us. We made a deal that we only pay $1 per year per acre in rent. At the start we didn't promote the idea because we didn't want people to say we were grabbing land."

  • En Afrique, les fermiers oubliés
    • JDD
    • 26 August 2008

    "Depuis quelques mois, nous observons un regain d'intérêt pour nos terres, des acheteurs s'emparent de très grandes surfaces acquises avec des facilités dérangeantes, dans la zone du lac de Guiers, par exemple", affirme Ndiogou Fall, sénégalais et président exécutif de la Roppa

  • Alimentation: Ruée vers les terres agricoles
    • Le Journal du Dimanche
    • 26 August 2008

    L'Etat cède 880000 hectares de terre arable pour 670 millions d'euros. Publiée mi-août par le Financial Times, l'annonce du gouvernement soudanais n'est plus vraiment une nouveauté. Comme d'autres avant lui, le pays est prêt à céder un territoire presque aussi grand que l'Ile-de-France à des investisseurs étrangers trop contents de s'exécuter.

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