All hands to the pumps
    Are there any answers to this looming crisis? Some countries are buying land. There is vague talk about governments introducing “water management reforms”. Even more opaquely, there are calls for “multi-country discussions on trans-boundary issues, international trade and investment flows”.
    • Planning Resource
    • 19 Mar 2009
    No matter how bad things get, people still need to eat
    A conference for fund managers tied to agriculture held annually in Sydney by Austock, an Australian broker, attracted a few dozen contrarian souls three years ago. This year’s event, which began on March 16th, had to be restricted to several hundred ticket-holders, with many others turned away.
    • The Economist
    • 18 Mar 2009
    Arrival of colonialism of the third kind
    The truth is that if exploitation of a developing country’s natural resources by the West is colonialism, so it is when rich countries of the South do the same.
    • The Daily Sun Star (Dhaka)
    • 17 Mar 2009
    Voleurs de terres !
    Dossier spécial de « Campagnes solidaires », le bulletin mensuel de la Confédération Paysanne
    • Confédération Paysanne
    • 15 Mar 2009
    Horticulture sector: $5bn investment from China, ME likely: ASF
    China and the Middle East countries will invest in horticulture sector of Pakistan to the tune of $5 billion during the current year 2009, an official of Agribusiness Support Fund (ASF) said Wednesday.
    • Daily Times
    • 12 Mar 2009
    China says not pushing to expand farming overseas
    China is not pushing to expand overseas farming and Chinese companies are less active in their investment abroad because of concerns of potential political risks, a senior Agriculture Ministry official said on Wednesday.
    • Reuters
    • 04 Mar 2009
    In Land Grab, Food Is Not the Only Consideration
    Governments in developing countries should exercise caution when granting land concessions to foreign governments and corporations. Despite the short-term investments, most – if not all – of the production will be exported, making the long-term food security situation even worse in these host countries.
    • The New Security Beat
    • 03 Mar 2009
    Multinacionales y gobiernos, a la caza de tierras cultivables
    Organizaciones como Vía Campesina -una “internacional” de campesinos que se organizó para resistir la globalización neoliberal y proponer caminos alternativos de soberanía alimentaria- u ONGs nacionales de Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay y otros países están inquietas hace rato por la extranjerización de las tierras, y han forzado en algunos casos la sanción de leyes protectivas.
    • Clarín
    • 02 Mar 2009
    Le Sénégal accueille le sésame chinois en pleine crise alimentaire.
    En novembre 2008, Ouyang Riping, le PDG de la société agricole DTE était en visite au Sénégal. Reçu en grande pompe par Abdoulaye Wade, ils ont célébré “l’amitié sino-sénégalaise” lors d’une cérémonie officielle. En résulte un accord de production : la Chine devrait produire au Sénégal plusieurs tonnes de sésame dans les années à venir.
    • Haut Courant
    • 02 Mar 2009
    Jusqu'où ira la razzia sur les terres agricoles des pays pauvres ?
    La FAO s’apprête à sortir ces jours-ci un mode d’emploi sur la bonne gouvernance foncière. Histoire que le nouveau droit foncier de Madagascar ne soit pas défini par Daewoo Logistics. Et que les petits paysans du Sud participent enfin au débat
    • Inter Press Service
    • 01 Mar 2009
    Chinese back Africa's farms but want greater support
    Chinese companies are lining up to invest in African agriculture, but governments like Senegal must do more to limit the risks for investors, a veteran Chinese investor said.
    • Reuters
    • 11 February 2009
    Improving food security in Arab countries: Is land acquisition a viable strategy?
    Saudi Arabia and the UAE are worldwide leaders in buying farmland in third-party countries, followed by China and Japan, says the World Bank.
    • World Bank
    • 31 January 2009
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